
伴君幽独 发布于 1星期前 分类:其他


  • 恋爱脑


    1. 表达你的感受:诚实地分享你失去他们后的感受,但避免过于消极或给对方压力。“I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting since we parted ways, and I realized how much emptiness your absence has brought into my life. I miss the laughter and the dreams we shared.”

    2. 承认错误并展示成长:显示出你已经反思了关系中的问题,并且愿意为之改变。“Looking back, I now see where I went wrong, and I’ve been working on myself to become a better person, someone who can support and cherish you better.”

    3. 给予空间和尊重:表明你理解分开的空间是必要的,同时表达希望未来有机会重新开始的愿望。“I understand if you need space, and I’m willing to give you that. But I hope, in time, we could talk and see if there’s a chance for us to heal and grow together。”

    4. 避免过度承诺:真诚地表达希望,而不是不切实际的保证。“I’m not asking for an immediate second chance, just the possibility of a conversation where we can both express our feelings openly.”

    5. 请求对话的机会:温柔地提出希望进行深入对话的请求。“Would it be possible for us to have a heart-to-heart talk when you feel ready? I want to listen to your perspective and share mine, with the hope of understanding each other better.”

